Online newspaper based in Matera
EcocNews is registered at the Court of Matera in the press register n. 2/2021
Editor in chief: Mariateresa Cascino. Founder and editorial director: Serafino Paternoster
via San Francesco, 1 - 75100 Matera (Italy)
Together with Lublin (Poland), the City of Kiruna will be the European Capital of Culture in 2029 for Sweden.
On 6th December will be an important day for the two Swedish cities seeking to earn a title of European Capital of Culture for 2029. Poland has already chosen and in 2029 Lublin will be the European Capital of Culture.
The evaluation panel awarding the European Capital of Culture title has published its report on the selection of Ecoc 2029 for Poland. Four cities made it to the finals: Bielsko-Biala, Katowice, Kolobrzeg and Lublin.
Although winter temperatures are low, these are very warm days for two Swedish cities: Kiruna, above the Arctic Circle, and the university city Uppsala, in central Sweden. They are the only two Swedish cities that have decided to compete for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2029.
The competition in Poland for ecoc 2029 is in full swing. After Krakow (2000) and Wroclaw (2016) in 2029 it will be the third time of a European capital of culture in Poland.Twelve cities in Poland had applied to become the European Capital of Culture 2029.