Online newspaper based in Matera
EcocNews is registered at the Court of Matera in the press register n. 2/2021
Editor in chief: Mariateresa Cascino. Founder and editorial director: Serafino Paternoster
via San Francesco, 1 - 75100 Matera (Italy)
After having reported on the thirteenth Culture next conference in two episodes and after having published interviews with some of the speakers who spoke in Cluj-Napoca, EcocNews, in its own small way and in its function as a webmagazine entirely dedicated to the subject, tries to indicate some tips for enhancing the European Capital of Culture programme, also in the light of its most recent experiences.
Since EcocNews has been online, just after the pandemic, we have been doing a series of interviews with cultural managers and European Capital of Culture experts.
Next year the European Union's European Capital of Culture programme will celebrate its first 40 years. An important date as we have already written here.
It is an honour to have participated these days in the meeting organised by Eu Japan fest in Tokyo to present some of the most interesting Japanese artists to all the European capitals of culture.
If there is one person who knows the world of European cultural capitals better than anyone, it is Sylvain Pasqua. And not only because of his professional role, but also because he cares about the future of a united Europe and its cities.