Online newspaper based in Matera
EcocNews is registered at the Court of Matera in the press register n. 2/2021
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Broumov and Budejovice are the cities in the Czech Republic that passed the preselection and entered the short list to become the European Capital of Culture for 2028. Brno, Liberec, Broumov and Budweis was the four cities candidate. The evaluation panel published the report explaining the decision to shortlist Broumov and Budejovice.
In 2028 it will be the third time that the Czech Republic will have a European Capital of Culture after Prague in 2000 and Plsen in 2015. The definitive European Capital of Culture 2028 title for the Czech Republic will be awarded next year.
It is possible to read all the pre-selection report in attachment to this news.
The panel recommends that the bid of Brno does not proceed to the final selection phase.
Although the philosophical theory that inspires the bid could be thought provoking and could be interesting in its intention to enhance the social capital of the city, it remains too vague at this stage, while its significance and EU potential resonance have not been sufficiently explored. The programme reflects the witty and playful approach that characterises the bid book; it displays a number of experimental and interesting projects that can trigger the active participation of diverse social groups and a strong engagement of schools; yet, the programme is perceived as being more focussed on the city’s specific needs. The panel highlights the importance of the long-term strategy being in place and the willingness of the City to go ahead independently from the outcome of the ECoC competition.
The panel strongly recommends the city to consolidate its endeavours to strengthen the great potential of its cultural and creative sectors (including the gaming industry) in an international cooperation setting. In particular, the panel encourages exploring the connections between education and culture, strengthening the independent cultural scene, which played an Selection of the European Capital of Culture 2028 in the Czech Republic – Pre-selection Stage 11 October 2022 important role in the bidding phase and continuing the extensive bottom-up work. The Cultural Forum designed to be a dialogue platform is an interesting basis for ensuring layered voices in the development and implementation of the Strategy.
The panel recommends that the bid of Broumov proceed to the final selection phase.
The bid has a strong concept that is very connected to its place and has at the same time a European resonance. The programme is well laid out, closely linked to the City’s Cultural Strategy and it is easy to communicate. It is designed as a call for action to be a creative pilgrim and to take part in a cultural journey to collaboratively address a number of issues that are significant from both the European and local perspectives. A number of cooperation projects have been designed with ECoC candidate cities, while a more extensive and targeted quest for EU and international cultural partners needs to be developed to highlight the artistic component of the programme. Furthermore, the panel recommends further development of the strategy aimed to attract and involve a European audience also remotely and digitally, which is a crucial aspect for Broumov candidacy, as well as to budget such a strategy. For the final round of the competition the panel expects the bid to demonstrate more deeply its European dimension, which is the raison d’être of a European Capital of Culture and should therefore permeate the whole project. Another challenge is to envisage a specific mobility system to connect the diffused accommodation facilities to Broumov. Specific attention should be paid also to the budget so as to comply with the ambitious programme.
The panel recommends that the bid of Budweis proceed to the final selection phase.
The panel views the concept as strong and relevant locally as well as for Europe and beyond. It however still needs more specific adjustments and refinement to reach the high standards expected from an ECoC programme. The panel also recommends diversifying the range of partners locally, nationally and internationally. For instance, including the local branch National agriculture museum to the list of stakeholders may prove a good step, as the latter’s sphere of activity corresponds to the overall ambition of the bid. For the final round of the competition the panel expects the bid to demonstrate more deeply its European dimension, which is the raison d’être of a European Capital of Culture and should therefore permeate the whole project. Open calls for projects should be reinforced and the monitoring and evaluation strategy developed further to ensure local and regional ownership and inclusion.
The panel recommends that the bid of Liberec does not proceed to the final selection phase.
The concept of the bid is still lacking depth and artistic vision is underdeveloped. Despite an excellent analysis of the city contradictions in the Introduction part, and potential relevance of Dialogue to European context, the programme is not revealing the theme in full scale. Although it gives evidence of valuable cooperation work with ECoC cities, the programme lacks European dimension regarding potential partners and artistic collaborations. The experiences gained and networks built nationally as well as internationally in this preselection phase could prove very beneficial if choosing to pursue an alternative opportunity. The panel recommends that the city of Liberec build on the good work it has started and continues its cultural development journey.