Online newspaper based in Matera
EcocNews is registered at the Court of Matera in the press register n. 2/2021
Editor in chief: Mariateresa Cascino. Founder and editorial director: Serafino Paternoster
via San Francesco, 1 - 75100 Matera (Italy)
The Vëlosummer is a joint initiative of the General Directorate for Tourism and the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works. In collaboration with 65 municipalities, a number of roads throughout the country will be reserved for cyclists from 31st July onwards. This is a special occasion to enjoy leisurely rides on trafficfree roads. Routes will be open to the public either on weekends, or even throughout the whole month of August.
One of the largest international contemporary art festivals in the Baltic region, the 13th Kaunas Biennial will take place from 12 November 2021 to 20 February 2022. The exhibition, titled “Once Upon Another Time… gyveno jie jau kitaip” offers reflections on current global situations, including the pandemic, with a curatorial project that explores human resilience and adaptation.
In order to expand the cross-border tourist offer and create a joint tourist route from Novi Sad to Szeged, which will connect famous women in science and culture, the ‘Famous Women in Science and Culture: Experience Design through Joint Cultural Tourism Route and Product Development in Serbia-Hungary Cross-Border Region – WSCRoute’ project was presented.
Eleusis 2023 European Capital of Culture, along with the co-organiser Athens Open Air Film Festival, invite you to a four-day event – a cinematic journey to historical Elefsina, from the 23rd to the 26th July 2021.
Trenčín is a middle-sized city in the western region of Slovakia, close to the Czech borders. It has a stunning scenery with the Váh river crossing the city. Trenčín is one of the three shortlisted candidates for the 2026 European Capital of Culture competition (the others are Nitra and Zilina).
Eight dancers from Africa, the world’s oldest and most mystical continent, take us on a journey to the ancient roots of Dance and our deepest selves. The internationally renowned choreographer, Josef Nadj, visits Elefsina and presents the performance “OMMA”, demonstrating that “dance was born along with humanity”.
The Luxembourgish artist Paul Kirps will display his exposition Module 3 – Section B from 10 July until 11 September. At Annexe22 in Esch’s “Brillplaz” artists from Luxembourg present their work and installations to local residents and visitors.
Gardens are full of secrets and stories. Up among the highest branches of the tallest tree something glitters and shines. Deep down in the dark stone well a creature wriggles and whines. What has happened to Muxu, the tail-less cat, and how will he solve the mystery of the disappearing water?
“Everybody of us has got a pair of wings, but only who dreams, learns to fly” (by Jim Morrison)
The volunteers of the European Capital of Culture Matera 2019 were among those who dreamed most of all during the year 2019.
The emblematic poem “The Free Besieged,” by Dionysios Solomos, comes to life through the voices of the residents of Elefsina, directed by Eleni Efthymiou and with an original score by Sofia Kamagianni, at the premises of the Parking lot.
Against the backdrop of the full moon of June, the first event for 2021 explores the meaning of time in cinema, through the legendary book on film theory “Transcendental Style in Film: Ozu, Bresson, Dreyer” in a discussion with director Syllas Tzoumerkas and film critic Alexandros Papageorgiou. The evening is accompanied by composer Yannis Veslemes, while the event’s artistic direction is carried out by Alexandros Voulgaris.
Comedy European Film Festival - CEFF PLOVDIV 2021 is the first edition of a unique international film festival. The 2021 INAUGURAL edition of CEFF takes place in Plovdiv, Bulgaria between July 4th and July 11th, 2021. Come celebrate summer and humor in the oldest city in Europe!
In 2026 the title of European Capital of Culture will be assigned to Oulu, in Finland, and to a Slovak city. Nitra, Trenčín and Žilina- Beskids are the three cities shortlisted in the competition in Slovakia. The winning city is expected to be announced in December 2021. In meantime, let’s discover the projects concepts the three cities are working on.
Today we report two events scheduled for June in Valletta, European Capital of Culture in 2018.
In 2025, when Chemnitz is the European Capital of Culture, the legendary International Peace Ride will be revived. The European Peace Ride project, which was developed as part of the application for the title, will start this year with one or two stages for ambitious recreational cyclists. The two stages will take 78 riders on 11 and 12 September 2021 over 413 kilometres and around 5500 metres of altitude difference from Chemnitz to Prague and back.
From 2017 the OPERA OPEN festival mounted a strong array of shows at the Ancient Theatre, presenting premieres, co-productions, and hybrid-genre projects. Opera Open welcomed, on the stage of the Ancient Theatre in Plovdiv, leading soloists of the largest opera and ballet companies.
Esch2022 comprises around 140 projects; about half of these have a special component for children and teens or offer this young demographic a lot of exciting things to discover. At a breakfast press conference in the Cultural Centre Schungfabrik in the commune of Kayl-Tetingen, the Esch2022 team and their project partners presented some of these projects.
Trencin is one of the three cities in Slovakia (the others are Nitra and Zilina) competing for the title of European Capital of Culture for 2026. The city is asking people to celebrate Europe Day from 3rd to 9th of May 2021 sharing photos of their favourite places.