Online newspaper based in Matera
EcocNews is registered at the Court of Matera in the press register n. 2/2021
Editor in chief: Mariateresa Cascino. Founder and editorial director: Serafino Paternoster
via San Francesco, 1 - 75100 Matera (Italy)
After a six-year break, the open-air show Tõrva Loits will take place again on July 20th in Tõrva. Estonia’s largest symbiosis of fire, water, and music will be titled "Ouroboros" this year, symbolizing the infinite cycle of life with the ancient and mystical emblem of a snake eating its own tail.
Tõrva Loits has never been so grand – spanning nearly 10 hectares of festival grounds with three different stages, the seven-hour program will bring the best Estonian artists, the world’s largest drums, water, fire, and light effects, an unprecedented laser show, unique light installations, and Jaan Roose performing tricks on a slackline to the audience. The event will take place in Tõrva’s central square, the picturesque area around Veskijärve and the surrounding park.
Performers on various stages include Puuluup, Lenna with Tanel Padar, Grete Paia, Meisterjaan, SÄM, Duo Ruut, Silver Ulvik, an accordion ensemble from Lithuania, and soloists from Ukraine.
The highest bonfire in Estonia will also be lit at Tõrva Loits, with a log structure reaching ten meters high and flames potentially rising up to 20 meters in calm wind conditions.
The ancient symbol of Ouroboros, a snake eating its own tail, is not a random theme for this year’s Tõrva Loits. According to Tõrva Loits creative director Reigo Ahven, it is one of the oldest mythological symbols, representing the circle of life, rebirth, and the perpetual state of change. “Therefore, it is perfect for celebrating the rebirth of Tõrva Loits as part of Tartu 2024 and highlighting the indomitable spirit of Estonians in the face of any challenge or hardship,” Ahven explained. “Ouroboros has held together not only worlds as a whole but also each individual’s worldview. This year, it holds together our Tõrva Loits ritual, created to one day connect the past with the future through music, fire, dance, and powerful words.”
For years, Tõrva has been capturing attention with its giant sand sculptures during the summer. This year’s sand sculpture is dedicated to Tõrva Loits and carries the theme of Ouroboros. The sculpture is by renowned Latvian sculptor Agnese Rudzite-Kirillova, assisted by Sanita Ravina and Indrek Leht.
Tõrva Loits took place from 2008 to 2017, growing into Southern Estonia’s largest and most spectacular summer event. This evolved into the multi-day festival Tõrva Fire Days, which includes a variety of cultural, sports, and leisure events. Tõrva Fire Days will be held from July 17th to 21st.
Tõrva Loits is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.
Tickets for Tõrva Loits are available on Piletilevi. For more information here.