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Carla Di Grazia

Carla Di Grazia

Former Volunteer Project Manager

“Everybody of us has got a pair of wings, but only who dreams, learns to fly” (by Jim Morrison)
The volunteers of the European Capital of Culture Matera 2019 were among those who dreamed most of all during the year 2019.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” said Albert Einstein. This is what happened among the volunteer coordinators of the past, present and future European Capitals of Culture (ECoCs). During the first lockdown, the need arose to reconnect, share experiences, emotions and even difficulties to reflect on how cultural volunteering could face this difficult period and continue to be an important resource for the well-being of communities.

It’s time to involve the energy of volunteers in our activities…” that’s Jaan Ulst’s message, the leader of Tartu 2024 volunteers. An announcement to people who want to help during the events and get involved for the summer period from May to August 2021.

Ecoc, volunteers are protagonists

Mercoledì, 17 Febbraio 2021

Becoming a European Capital of Culture does not only mean organizing cultural events throughout the year, highlighting the richness and diversity of cultures in Europe, but above all it means raising the sense of belonging of European citizens to a cultural common space.