Mercoledì, 12 Febbraio 2025

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Evora 2027, Open call for Artistic and Executive director

Evora 2027 Evora 2027

 The Évora 2027 Association, responsible for Évora_27 – European Capital of Culture initiative, announces the launch of two international calls for applications for Artistic Director and Executive Director positions.

For the first time in the context of a European Capital of Culture hosted in Portugal, and in accordance with the Statutes of the Évora 2027 Association, dated February 20th, 2024, these positions will be filled through an international public selection process. The calls aim to attract the most qualified professionals in their respective fields, ensuring artistic and executive leaderships aligned with the values of Évora_27, the concept of “VAGAR: an (alternative) art of existence”, and the objectives outlined in the Bid Book approved by an international jury, which secured Évora the title of European Capital of Culture in 2027.

The juries for the respective international competitions for Artistic Direction and Executive Direction of the Évora 2027 Association each consist of five members. For Artistic Direction, the jury is composed of Maria do Céu Ramos, President of the Board of the Évora 2027 Association; Bruno Fraga Braz, Director of Communication and Outreach of the Évora 2027 Association; Paulo Lima, appointed by the Évora City Council; Paulo Pires do Vale, appointed by the Government member responsible for Culture; and Ana Telles, appointed by the General Assembly of the Évora 2027 Association.

The jury for the Executive Direction competition also includes two members of the Board of the Évora 2027 Association, the President and the Financial Director, António Costa da Silva; Vera Bailote, appointed by the Évora City Council; António Gomes Pinho, appointed by the Government member responsible for Culture; and António Cachola, appointed by the General Assembly of the Évora 2027 Association.

Applications are open until February 16, 2025, with five candidates from each call being shortlisted for subsequent interviews. Submissions must include a detailed CV, a motivational and programmatic letter, and up to three letters of recommendation. Candidates are expected to present an original and innovative vision for the Évora_27 – European Capital of Culture initiative, demonstrate a commitment to the project’s values of sustainability, social inclusion, and cultural coexistence, and promote the evolution, enrichment, and expansion of the mission, objectives, resources, and program outlined in the Bid Book.

Role profile and responsibilities of the Artistic Director
▪ As a member of the executive committee of the Évora 2027 Association's Board, is responsible for coordinating and implementing the artistic programme of Évora 2027, as outlined in the Bid Book for Évora_27 European Capital of Culture and in accordance with the decisions of the General Assembly and Board;
▪ Oversees the Artistic Direction, managing the human, technical, financial, and logistics resources placed at their disposal;
▪ Directs and coordinates programming, production, and mediation activities related to implementing the artistic programme of Évora_27 European Capital of Culture;
▪ Coordinates regional, national, and international programme partnerships;
▪ Designs the artistic programme for Évora_27 European Capital of Culture, combining projects resulting from local, regional, and international open calls, other projects proposed by the Artistic Director and approved by the Association's governing bodies, with the projects included in the Bid Book for Évora_27 European Capital of Culture;
▪ Designs the touring programme within the project's territory for works included in Évora_27 European Capital of Culture programming in collaboration with Évora City Council, the Alentejo Central Intermunicipal Community, and other Intermunicipal Communities of Alentejo;
▪ Ensures implementation of the artistic programme and the touring programme throughout the cultural facilities and venues assigned to the Évora_27 European Capital of Culture;
▪ Participates in the meetings and deliberations of the Board, acting in accordance with the Law and the Association's statutes, within the scope of their respective responsibilities.

Role requirements:
The Artistic Director role requires academic qualifications and professional experience in one or more of the following areas: ▪ Cultural management ▪ Curatorship ▪ Performing arts ▪ Visual arts ▪ Audiovisual arts Candidates without academic qualifications in these areas may be considered if they can demonstrate at least 15 years of experience in artistic direction.

Role profile and responsibilities of the Executive Director
▪As a member of the Executive Committee of the Évora 2027 Association's Board, is responsible for the Association's internal operations and its material, human, technical, logistics and financial resources, and for operational coordination of its activities, as well as implementing the decisions of the General Assembly and Board;
▪ Oversees the Executive Direction, managing the human, technical, financial, and logistics resources placed at their disposal;
▪ Coordinates, in conjunction with other Departments, all actions related to preparing and monitoring the management tools detailed in Articles 14 and subsequent articles in the Decree-Law No. 124/2023 of December 26, specifically: a) Annual and multi-year activity plans and budgets, including investment plans and funding sources; b) Annual financial statements; c) Material and financial implementation reports; d) Annual Good Governance Report; e) Multi-year programme contracts between the Association and founding Associates or other entities; f) Management of the Association's human resources processes and procedures, regardless of their employment status; g) Implementation of procurement procedures in accordance with the Public Procurement Code; h) Support and monitoring of the evaluation team;
▪ Ensures institutional representation of the Association within the scope of delegated authority;
▪ Participates in the meetings and deliberations of the Board, acting in accordance with the Law and the Association's statutes within the scope of their respective responsibilities.

Role requirements
The Executive Director role requires a degree in one of the following areas: ▪ Law; ▪ Economics; ▪ Management; ▪ Public Administration

Other info here.

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