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Matera 2019 celebrates 10 years since its nomination

By Press release Venerdì, 11 Ottobre 2024

On 17 October 2014, the city of Matera was proclaimed European Capital of Culture for 2019. An announcement that was greeted with a great explosion of joy in a packed Piazza San Giovanni, in connection with the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture where the Jury was meeting together with representatives of the six Italian cities that were finalists for the title.

It was an indelible memory in the minds of the entire Lucanian community, a turning point for the entire territory, which from that moment began a great transformation to prepare for the great event of 2019 and then pick up the legacy.

Ten years after that historic moment, the Fondazione Matera Basilicata 2019, with the support of the Basilicata Region and the Municipality of Matera, in partnership with Ego55, TRM Network and ECoCNews, and the participation of the association Volontari Open Culture 2019, is organising the round table ‘Matera, 10 years of Capital’ scheduled for 17 October from 10.30 a.m. in Matera's Casa Cava, with the aim of taking stock of the journey made from 2014 to date and identifying new common objectives for the years to come. Various topics will be addressed in the debate together with representatives of national and local institutions and public bodies, as well as with experts who play a key role in the cultural and creative sector at local, national and international level and in the European Capitals of Culture project.

It began with a review of European and national policies on culture and then focused on regional policies and strategies for the coming years.

This will be followed by a focus on ten years as European Capital of Culture 2014-2024 (Fondazione Matera Basilicata 2019), the effects of the Capital on tourism and the Lucanian film industry (Agenzia di Promozione Territoriale della Basilicata e Lucana Film Commission), and, at the end of the session, a reconstruction of the path from Unesco Heritage to ZES Culture (special economic zone) via the European Capital of Culture.

Great attention will also be devoted to the economic and social impacts of culture and creativity, thanks to the keynote speech by Prof. Pierluigi Sacco, and to the positioning of the Lucanian cultural and creative industry on the international market (Project leader of Matera 2019 and Cluster Basilicata Creativa).

At last, space will be given to the theme of the long wave of the European Capital of Culture, with the experiences of Potenza Italian City of Youth 2024, Aliano City candidate for Italian Capital of Culture 2027, Open Culture 2019 Volunteers Association and ECoCNews, the in-depth platform dedicated to the European Capitals of Culture.

Participation in the meetings is free of charge, subject to registration both on the Eventbrite platform and on site (on the day of the event), while places are available.

Attached is the programme and the poster.