Online newspaper based in Matera
EcocNews is registered at the Court of Matera in the press register n. 2/2021
Editor in chief: Mariateresa Cascino. Founder and editorial director: Serafino Paternoster
via San Francesco, 1 - 75100 Matera (Italy)
Coinciding with the announcement by the Minister of Culture of Spain about the begining of the process of selection for the European Capital of Culture in 2031, a new application named #BurgosisCulture2031 was launched on Friday 10th January.
Burgos, one of the candidate cities to be the European Capital of Culture for Spain in 2031, has launched a call for artists to be included in its cultural programme, specifically in the project 'Sala Negra' in Forum Evolucion.
In May 2024, a choir of children and adults will sing a lullaby for the city to unprecedented music based on the heritage of the lullabies of the citizens of Burgos and Matera.
In 2031 it will be the turn of Spain and Malta to nominate the European capital of culture. For Spain it will be the fifth time after Madrid (1992), Santiago de Compostela (2000), Salamanca (2002) and San sebastian (2016). One of the first city to have decided to apply for European capital of culture for 2031 is Burgos with its motto: Renaissance.
The call for cultural projects of Burgos European Capital of Culture 2031 has closed with a broad participation of the local artistic network, which has presented 34 proposals that bring together creators from 14 European countries.
In 2031, Spain will again be one of the European countries to nominate the European Capital of Culture along with Malta. After Madrid (1992), Santiago de Compostela (2000), Salamanca (2002) and San Sebastian (2016), this will be the fifth time for Spain to nominate a European Capital of Culture. One of the Spanish cities that has already decided to participate in the competition is Burgos. 'Renaissance' is the title of the project. Soon Ecocnews will tell you more about the aspirations of this community.